Wallonia is a successful and welcoming region which has taken its future firmly in hand and opens its arms wide to you. 

It offers many assets and benefits and has convinced many foreign investors to locate their companies there.


Lying at the heart of Europe, Wallonia (the French-speaking region of Belgium) is able to access a market of up to 500 million consumers within one day.

Regularly cited among the top most attractive regions, Wallonia offers a favourable environment for business, especially thanks to a well-established culture of partnership and consistent economic growth. Furthermore, the development of a company in Wallonia is facilitated by easy access to capital, which makes it possible to find appropriate funding, and by a particularly varied real estate offering.

An accessible REgion


A full range of financial aids has been set up to make it easy for new businesses to set up in Wallonia. Wallonia offers an attractive tax regime thanks to a certain number of measures provided for companies.

Thanks to AWEX, the one-stop shop for all foreign investors wishing to locate to Wallonia, companies benefit from personalised support throughout their installation process.

Supporting competitiveness


Wallonia has qualified, productive and multilingual human resources and has set up a series of measures to help companies reduce their salary costs and find suitable training courses.

As a European creative district, Wallonia places innovation and creativity at the heart of its concerns by offering effective support to companies in their innovation approach via many stakeholders and initiatives.


Whether because of its varied real estate offering, its healthcare system which is one of the best in Europe, or the many opportunities it offers for leisure activities, Wallonia is a region where life is good. Its exceptional quality of life attracts investors, foreign students and the large numbers of tourists who visit each year. 

Quality of life
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