Since arriving in Nivelles from Italy in February 2020, Léonardo Carlucci and his company, LCND Test, active in the industrial certification of welding materials, have continued to develop their project with incredible speed despite the crisis.  The building chosen to host the company has been brought up to standard and the first four employees have been hired. A wonderful story getting underway in our Region.

It was an initial investment of €400,000 that enabled CEO Léonardo Carlucci to rent a 600m² building in Nivelles and move his company, LCND Test, there at the start of 2020. One year later, the premises have been brought up to the standard required for the development of a testing activity.

LCND Test is active in the industrial certification of welders and welding procedures. They perform non-destructive inspections in the bunker built at the company's head office or at customers' premises, thermal treatments, laboratory tests, and inspections and certifications. Their customers are manufacturers of pipes, heat exchangers, tanks and even piping for pharmaceutical firms. 


Belgium is one of the few European countries where this type of testing and certification activity is recognised. I have received a warm welcome from the services of the Wallonia Export-Investment Agency (AWEX) and the Walloon administrations and I am delighted to continue to develop our sales activities with their support.

Attracted by the strong Walloon presence in the pharmaceutical and chemistry sectors and by the Belgian port facilities, LCND Test, which positions itself as a subcontractor for manufacturers, wanted to increase its visibility on the market by setting up in the Walloon Region. The company was able to take advantage of the subsidies provided by the Region, in particular a 10% grant for its initial investment and employment subsidies. Thus, four employees recently joined the small structure.

After being put in touch with the AWEX Regional Centre for Walloon-Brabant, also located in Nivelles, Léonardo Carlucci is now working to develop his sales network. Firstly in Wallonia, then, in a second instance, in Luxembourg, France, the Netherlands, and Germany.  We wish him all the best!

More information? Contact us!

Ludovic WAHA

Project Manager - Italy - Switzerland - Luxembourg

T +32 (0)81 33 29 02

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